Thursday, October 10, 2013

How much water we need to drink every day?

You know those ads that remind us that even a small reduction in levels of hydration tremendous impact on performance , so you need to keep hydrated with whatever brand of super isotonic drink that they sell ?
They seem quite scientific. Are they for real? A man in a white coat , an athlete with electrodes attached and so on . And it is not hard sell because drinking feels right - you're hot and sweating , no doubt where the fluid must be beneficial .

Electronic cigarettes: pros and cons

The latest accessory is not chic clutch or foot snake ankle , but nicotine system - providing called e - cigarette. Models at New York Fashion Week flavored nicotine inhalation of vapor respirators slim battery-operated , distributed by the event sponsor , Joy King electronic cigarettes . Swag bags at the 2013 Oscars including starter packs e - meat .
Many doctors , however , welcomed the trend . A Canadian Medical Journal editorial published this week warned that the e - cigarette " slippery slope to tobacco addiction . " A recent study in the journal The Lancet that e - cigarettes like nicotine patches to help smokers quit cigarettes over six months .

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Brain Fitness: How to train your brain every day?

Your brain is not a muscle , but it can be treated as. Many people focus on physical fitness , but few know that brain fitness is also something that you can work on . In fact , you can exercise your brain as often as you would in your arms or abs - and the consequences can be positive and empowering . It is helpful to think of your brain as you'd muscles . To improve your brain , you can not repeat the same exercises over and over again . Just as weights 2 pounds will cease to challenge you , so repetitive exercises like crosswords or Sudoku .